Objective For this assignment you’ll be using the information you gained in the earlier colourwork tutorials and task to produce a new sample based on your own design and choice of colours, this time using the intarsia technique and thinking …
Objective For this assignment you’ll be using the information you gained in the earlier colourwork tutorials and task to produce a new sample based on your own design and choice of colours. Assignment 6 Part One – Design and make …
Objective In this assignment you will be putting all the skills you have learned in this section, exploring Fair Isle colourwork and how colour schemes can be developed. Assignment 5 Part One Using what you have learned so far, find …
Create a unique colourway by dyeing your own yarn and knitted fabric Working with colour is wonderful. What makes designing even more special is when you can create a colour of yarn that is unique to you! In this lesson …
Using colour to create geometric & fluid, organic shapes In addition to the smaller, more detailed patterns that can be created using Fair Isle techniques, colour can also be used to create a wide range of shapes; strong geometric lines, …
Introduction There are a number of ways to incorporate colour within a knitted fabric. One of the most popular and versatile is Fair Isle. Also referred to as ‘stranded colourwork’, Fair Isle is a way to combine colours using a …